
Hello there, and welcome to my slice of the Internet.

You may have stumbled across this site out of pure coincidence, or you may share the same name as me and decided to check out this URL. You may have come here due to a link found on my LinkedIn page, or decided to follow one of my various email domains. Even more likely, you ended up here after seeing my resume recently.

If you are currently reading this because you discovered my website due to my resume, know that I am easily one of the most interesting, skilled, personable, and friendly gentleman you will come in contact with on this planet.  For the rest of you, thanks for stopping by!

A bit of history…

As a child, I was always a tinkerer and fascinated with electronics.  I remember tearing apart a number of old typewriters, computers, monitors, radios, Tv’s and more just to get a peek inside.  Sometimes I would even put them back together!

I distinctly remember cutting my teeth on a RadioShack Tandy PC.  I remember playing games off of 5.25in floppy disks that were locked into the reader, and issuing a DOS command to run the game program.  I believe that one of those first games I played was Grover’s Playland, and a Nursery Rhyme game.  We later upgraded to a Gateway 2000 PC that came with a modem!  This was the time when AOL and “you’ve got mail” was king, and tying up your home’s phone line was a continuous issue.  The Internet really gave me wings to fly on, as I was able to quickly and easily research neat hobbies to feed my interest in technology.

Eventually I starting diving into electronics more heavily and robotics as well.  I began researching work that was being done on what was called “neural network robotics.”  These robots were simple, and utilized discrete electronics components which created very simple logic.  These robots were cheap and easy to build, but lacked any real sort of usefulness.  I created a number of small rolling robots, walking robots, spinning robots, blinking robots, and solar-powered robots.  I eventually attended the Western Canadian Robotics games as a birthday gift from my parents.  At the games, I built a walking robot from a kit and competed in the games the next day.  I came in 2nd place.

I progressed from there with programmable microprocessor based robots.  I stumbled with programming, which was BASIC, Assembler, or C for most of the micro controllers.  Programming is an area of technology that I continue to struggle with, I have never been comfortable programming from scratch and always stumbled with syntax.  Luckily I was able to pass college courses in C++ and Java programming, but it just never became an interest of mine beyond coursework.

My Interests in computers, networks, and the Internet grew and grew.  This interest in computers has shaped not only my professional direction and growth, but also my hobbies and interests.

Other Interests and Hobbies…

Beyond my technical interests, I have had a number of other eclectic interests and hobbies throughout my life.  Below is a short list of some of my other favorite hobbies and interests.

  • Cooking
  • Beer/Wine Brewing
  • Bonsai Trees
  • Competitive Shooting Sports
  • Hiking
  • Classic Car Restoration
  • Motorcycling
  • Boating
  • Graphic Design
  • Music (listening to it; can’t create it to save my life)

My Personal Qualities…

I would define myself as a passionate and caring person, with a friendly and respectful attitude.  Courtesy and professionalism are qualities I continue to strive for.  I have also been defined as being very detail oriented and precise.  Many have told me that I am very good at communicating to clients, and to inform them of complex items without confusing them.  I have proven my successes in customer support and service, multitasking abilities, and management abilities.  I continue to maintain a willingness to learn, and an interest in trending and bleeding-edge technologies.  Although I take my job very seriously, I rarely ever depart from an office without smiles on the staff’s faces.